Sunday, July 19th – 2pm
Old Lock and Dam Site
Free to the public
Kids will be kids…no matter the era or age. And family fun is timeless! So please bring the kids and the ‘kid’ in you to enjoy “Newburgh Remembers” Children’s Games to be played from noon to 2 pm, Sunday, July 19th on the Old Lock and Dam site grassy area. Participate in three great classics: old fashioned sack races, traditional ‘hot’ potato toss and “duck, duck, goose”. In addition, we are fortunate to have the American Legion offer a ‘School of the Soldier’ for those interested in learning the ” readin’ an’ writin’ ” of Civil War soldiers (i.e. marching, saluting, flag folding, etc.). It may be hotter than a firecracker …. all the better to enjoy delicious homemade ice cream provided by the Kiwanis Club of Newburgh after the games.