Come join us as the Newburgh Museum hosts our 2025 Speaking Series the first Sunday of each month starting in March from 1-3 pm. Enjoy the latest exhibit, and hear a different guest speaker each month sharing pieces of Newburgh and the surrounding area’s history.
2025 SERIES TOPIC – Newburgh Boomers: 1946-60
Schedule coming soon!
Our 2024 Speaker Schedule Included:
- Kevin Reid with the Evansville Wartime Museum: Battle of Midway – US Navy forces defeat Japanese Navy
- Cory Burdette with the USS LST Ship Memorial, Inc.: Evansville Involvement in the War – LST’s, Planes, Tanks, Ammo, & etc.
- Stephanie Pitchers with the Evansville Wartime Museum: Red Cross, Homefront Wives & Children, & “Rosie the Riveter”
- Mark Browning with the Evansville Wartime Museum: D-Day, Allied Forces Come Ashore in Normandy, France
- Ralph Baker with the Newburgh Museum: Battle of the Bulge, V-E Day, Victory in Europe
- Jason Holmer with the Evansville Wartime Museum: US Drops Atomic Bombs, Japan Signs Surrender Agreement Ending WW II
Our 2023 Speaker Schedule Included:
- Kadie Engstrom: Women In River History
- Mark Browning, MD: Influenza of 1917
- Chris Rutherford: Newburgh’s ‘Old’ Dam
- Kevin Reid: Tanks- Panthers, Tigers and Shermans
- Dannye Lawson: Turn of the 20th Century Victorian Mourning Practices
- Eastminster Presbyterian Church: Opening of the Time Capsule of Newburgh Presbyterian Church
- Stan Schmitt: Commander Weyerbacher of Warrick County, Designer of Dirigibles for US Navy
- Chad Potts: Newburgh Locks & Dam
Our 2022 Speaker Schedule Included:
- Joe Herron: 1787-1803 Northwest Ordinance and Territory
- Lela White: George Rogers Clark and Fort Sackville
- David Weaver: Indiana Territory and Governor William Henry Harrison 1800-1812
- Matt Alschbach: The Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery 1803-1806
- Travis Vasconcelos, Calliopist and River Historian: Showboats and Excursion Boats – When Entertainment Came to the River
- Joshua A. Claybourn: Young Abe Lincoln in Indiana 1816-1830
- Anne Rust-Aurand: Eldora Miner-Raleigh – 1852-1930, A Woman Ahead of Her Time
- Mark Browning, MD: Local Contributions to the WWII Effort
Our 2021 Speaker Schedule Included:
- Jay Davis, Yankeetown FD Chief; retired supervisor/Lockmaster, Newburgh Lock and Dam
- Colleen Talley and Jann Allen with the Warrick County Museum
‘Visit Yesterday Today’…..learn what’s new about the history and culture of Warrick County located in Boonville, IN. - Newburgh Rocks: Ralph Baker, Certified Petroleum Geologist
View Archive Video - Bill Bartelt, co-editor – Abe’s Youth: Shaping the Future President
View Archive Video
- James Hevron discusses the Lincolns of Spencer County.
View Archive Video - William Clark, with David Lutz, “A Brief Look at Different Ancient Cultures in the Tri-State”
- 100 Years of Vintage Clothing Revisited: Jennifer Greene, Associate Professor of Library Science and University Archivist at the David L. Rice Library, University of Southern Indiana
- The Audubons in Henderson (1810-1819): Heidi Taylor-Caudill, Curator of the John James Audubon State Park Museum, Henderson, Kentucky
- Cory Burdette: The Gator Navy – The Importance of the LST in WW2 and Beyond
Our 2020 Speaker Schedule Included:
- Jay Davis, Yankeetown FD Chief; retired supervisor/Lockmaster, Newburgh Lock and Dam
- Aaron Luttrull, Newburgh’s Civil War Culture and Architectural Landscape
- Mike Wittenbraker, Local Firefighting from an Experienced Professional
- AJ Mason, The Museum of the Coal Industry, Lynnville
- Anne Rust Aurand, Newburgh, England